Saturday, September 29, 2007

Written on our hearts....

This week has been a bit of a mad ride....we were rushing out the new manuals for the new term which starts Mon. Berno, Abi I were editing and re-editing countless times...until we were quite blind to any mistakes. Haha! On Thurs nite...we were just going "Oh pwettty!" at the new manuals. Yeah, we were just totally useless incapable of spotting anymore errors.

Some other stuff happened at work...which wasn't very pleasant. Got frustrated with myself for making those mistakes, but well....I guess it's a learning experience. Yes...Michelle needs to get it together now.

On a happier was presentation/sharing week for the students, which is always very ministering and encouraging for me. Somehow, the students always cheer me up when I get down. :) Their sharings of life stories, growth and breakthroughs really remind me that no matter what shit I go through personally, it is all worth it to see them connect in a deeper manner with God. The worship that took place in class was very heartfelt and moving....prayers of intercession and songs full of earnest desire for God filled the air, and tears flowed freely in some classes as God's presence just saturated our classroom. Thank you God!

One particular 15 yr old boy left a really deep impression during his presentation. He started out really reserved, quiet....feeling inferior about his voice. In terms of vocal power, he was really soft too, which frustrated him I could see. But this young boy had a really pure, earnest desire to serve God as a vocalist in the music min. As the months passed...he grew slowly but surely. There were many periods of difficulty and frustration for him...but God's hand was clearly upon this child and he overcame both emotional and technical obstacles.

His growth exploded this was like his voice got unlocked, and he started to develop newfound confidence and determination. He won a 'Best Solo' award in his school during a Talent Show, and he shared with me excitedly about some original songs he wrote and is in the midst of recording. :) He actually met with some car accident (but he's safe) and some other interruptions to his schedule on the way to the recording studio. But he said that it only made him more determined to get the music recorded. I'm so proud of him. :)

As he sang his presentation song in class, it was clear that he was ministering with the power of the Holy Spirit. I've heard many students sing....but there was something deeply special about the anointing that this child had. It reminded me of how God used Samuel, a young lad and unlikely candidate, to prophesize to Israel. It was truly a God moment, as this humble child led all of us adults into stirring worship. As his voice soared, so did our spirits. Thank you God. I really believe in the importance of building up the next generation....and it's a privilege to be part of this work.

"You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; you are manifestly an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart." - 2 Corinthians 3:3

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