Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Save the cheerleader, save the world"

And after Prison Break..there was Heroes. :) Michelle is loving this show about a disparate group of ordinary people discovering that they have superpowers, and how they're connected in a mission to save the world together. The tagline really cracks me up..."Save the cheerleader, save the world!" haha! I'm not gonna explain it, cos it might turn out to be a spoiler for some.

Some of the characters have really cool teleportation, flight, mind-reading, spontaneous regeneration, and even the power of persuasion (yeah! tt'd be awfully useful eh? Clever that they gave that power to 'the girl next door') etc. But my fav character has got to be Peter Petrelli (played by Milo Ventimiglia) who has the power to mimic/absorb the powers of those around him. And he can recall these powers at will. That has got to be the power to rule them all man!

"You've seen what I can do. There is a side of me I can't control. Maybe it's best if I don't dig too deep."- Peter Petrelli


extravaganza said...

hey, that quote is from season 2. lols.. the peter quote... hahahs i still love the ellen interview. hahah!

Unknown said...


Michelle-Lea said...

Did u see my "Heroes" quiz results on Facebook?? I'm the freaking Cheerleader!!! I can't believe it. And I did that test twice you know.*sulks*