Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I met up with dear Berno and Danny today. Thank God for an extra CNY off day from church! :) It was a great time of catching up with 2 dear fwens who used to be such a huge part of my everyday life in BMI. We don't get to meet up as often these days...and the ache in my heart reminds me of how much I miss these incredible folks, our regular jams, suppers, insane Taboo nites, birthday pranks....and just how deeply we've done life together over the past few years.

Today, as we chatted...Danny also managed to sing/play "Love Story" by Taylor Swift and "Apologize" by One Republic for me. haha! And then Uncle Danny also played a lovely guitar lullaby for 2 mth old Baby Esher, who has grown so much since I last saw the fella. Such a beautiful moment...only accidentally marred by my stupid camera flash. I had to stop filming pretty soon cos it was too bright for the baby.

1 comment:

yUNnIe mOoMoOz said...

I want to see baby too!!