Saturday, September 08, 2007

In honour of....

In honour of our most popular (and coolest) student....the folks at BMI are naming our spanking new HP colour printer- JET! *ta-dah* Sorry dude....we can't have a statue of you at the entrance, but we CAN name our printer after you. haha!

Check out the size of this fella....kick-ass!

And in case you haven't figured it out by's a laser jet printer. :p
And Jet works better with Macs, not PCs.


jetstar7 said...

Well, well. That would be my cue to say, "Thanks for having me, and thanks too, for all the mentoses."

Goodbye, and goodnight everybody.

yUNnIe mOoMoOz said...

u can have all the mentoses. take all you want. and it's a tradition to take 1 before you leave! weeee. i love chocolate. =_=|||

JET is so fast. LOL