Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Half Of My Heart"-by John Mayer

How can one NOT love John Mayer? :) I got this from his new blog, where he shares a new song he's been working on....great work with the "vocal stacking" as he calls it. And I am quite encouraged by how he says we should "write without questions or fear." Awesome! I'm on fire again.

Here's the very nascent stage of this song called "Half of my Heart"... there's a chorus that's done, but I don't want to give it away and have you sick of it before I even track it.

As my own producer, the point of the entire game is to write without questions or fear. If it's not good, who cares?? I'll have good songs and I'll have bad songs in life, but if I fear 'bad' songs I won't be able to write anything from an honest place.

I should be done with this song by mid-week, assuming I stay on point and keep on writing.

This is fun... Glad you're along for the ride.


1 comment:

Andrea Khoo said...

Hey I felt the exact same way reading his blog today - I'm on fire again! ;)