Thursday, March 12, 2009

So Much To Say

Worship is a journey...

There's so much to say, but not much time and energy left for me to write. I'll attempt to do some "speed blogging" now, so at least you're in the loop. It feels a little strange...because it feels like months has passed, and yet, it's only been a week. And what a rollercoaster ride it has been!

1) Answered Prayer: My dear grandma, the dearest human being on the face of earth to me, accepted Christ last Fri. We started talking about religion (she was a buddhist), then I shared my testimony with her, and then the gospel using a tract. I didn't expect her to agree to say the sinner's prayer straight away, but she wanted to! Praise God!

The beautiful thing that blows my mind is this.....while I was sharing the gospel with my grandma, my cell group was praying for her in Pasir Ris. And I know even before that, many of my frens & colleagues in church were praying for her. The RiverLife community has been the most incredible and immediate source of support to me during this difficult season (my grandma was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer abt 2-3 wks back, and is due for surgery this coming Tue, March 17th.) Thank you so much guys! I'm not kidding when I say I was on the verge of a breakdown. But because of your prayer support & care...I'm ok. :)

2) The Deluge:
You know how the bad stuff always comes in an avalanche? Yeah...its been crazy these 2 wks.
- my workload has never been heavier. I've been clocking in 12 hour work days and even working on my off day. Haven't been able to sleep well either.

- I fell sick last week....I guess due to the lack of rest. (Cheryl fell sick last wk...this wk several others in church fell sick too...including Dawnie & Marcus) I'm still a bit sick..and it seems like its turning into a cough.

3) The Crash:
As you know, my shiny new Macbook arrived last week. And the past few days, I've been transferring files over from the old to the new Mac. The only thing that was left, were my work documents cos I wanted to transfer that last when it was fully updated. Before I could do it, my old Macbook froze & couldn't start up again after that.

The weird thing is, Cheryl had the same prob with her Macbook last nite. But she managed to retrieve her data and get it fixed. My 3 year old Macbook didn't fare so well though. After a thorough inspection and several resuscitation attempts, Thomas, my colleague and "Mac Technical Specialist," announced that the hard disc has most likely crashed. Yes...this is the 2nd time it has crashed. Mich is not a happy trouper. Ok, then as I was working on my new Mac in the evening, my mouse started to go wonky!! Ahhhhh! But I plugged it in again..and it was fine after that. *phew*

What people are saying:

Cheryl: "It's not funny anymore..." (on our combined IT woes)

Abi: "I think your Mac is possessed by a PC" (That's quite funny rite? haha!)

Dawn: (after I told her how relieved I was I still had AppleCare until May, and that maybe God wants to give my Mac new insides before AppleCare expires)
"Yes, I'm sure God really loves your Macbook!"
(my fwens r so sweet lah)

Arun: "I'm not getting a Mac anymore."

Lesson of the day:

Back up, back up, back up!!!

4) Love, Save The Empty
After a draining week, and a most frustrating day....I think I'm more or less resigned to the fact that I've lost my data. But I can slowly reassemble 70% of it from my gmail accounts. I think the choir rehearsal that we had at nite really helped to lift up my spirits. Alicia from the choir, also shared with me how she's been having a shit time at work, but that choir really helps her to destress. It's so encouraging to hear stuff like that! Working with the choir felt really easy and comfortable today....with lots of laughter and joy. Singing our all-hymn set with their timeless truths also helped my faith level to rise up. I think I'm gonna be ok. :)

5) Then Sings My Soul...
Some of Wayne & Libby Huirua's teaching has been really hitting home lately:
- "we are more than conquerors through him who loved us"- Romans 8:37
I think I've been playing 'defense' way too's time to play 'offense.' After all, our God is a warrior, and He's on our side! (Eowyn was a shield-maiden who loved passionately and fiercely defended her king and loved ones. I want to be like her.)

- Wayne & Libby said they sensed that RiverLife was going through a period where we're learning to be a people committed to worship. And I guess for that to happen, it's gotta start with us first, the leadership team & the worship min. At least that's my take on why so many of us are going through a difficult season. We're learning as a team, to make worship a choice.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, can reduce the greatness of our God, or diminish His glory.

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