Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action!

It was a very interesting weekend as we zipped through a wild ride of a video shoot. Grace Chapel in Riverlife was transformed into a film studio for the day. We started bright and early at 9am (8.30am for costume change), and filmed till almost 5pm. It was quite an experience watching my video script being fleshed out before my eyes. :)

The sign that we pasted on the door, but curious members of the tech crew still strolled in for some laughs.

Ivan getting his costume on...

Me trying to pin on Arun's wig without giving the guy a brain haemorrhage.

Ricky getting into character

Hmm...I'm not really sure what Ivan is trying to say to Bill.

Our 4 actors in a group shot. And yes, apparently that's what they wore in biblical times.

Arun's our new spokeman for Brylcream. That's Amelia, his 'hair stylist' who had the pleasure of slapping on loads of Brylcream on his hair.

From this particular shot...we learnt that it is VERY hard to laugh silently when the cameras are rolling, and you're trying not to affect the actor. Thomas, the director, could hide his convulsions behind a huge screen, but the rest of us had to either turn away, or hide under the table. You end up with very sore abs after that.

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