Sunday, March 29, 2009


1) Figure out harmonies + vocal stylings for "Overcome" in A, then in G
2) Learn how to play "Overcome" on keys, which is in tricksy 6/8
3) Record "Overcome" on Garageband with soprano, alto and tenor parts for the choir
4) Learn how to conduct "Overcome," which is in tricksy 6/8
5) Observe self in mirror or some reflective surface while I practise conducting "Overcome" (yes, retarded but neccessary)
6) Memorise lyrics for "Overcome"
7) Move on to other 3 sets + practise Eunice's wedding item song
8) Paint nails (maybe)
9) Watch Bones (must!)
10) Convince 17 year old cousin that Bourbon Coke should not be a daily after-school beverage.


Cherie said...

Haha..."Overcome" takes up more than half this list!

Michelle-Lea said...

Haha! Yeah...I've listened to "Overcome" for a zillion times.