Seriously, I have the best colleagues/fwens in the world. :) After a fun and cozy birthday party with them last night, the celebration/madness carried over to today as well. (photos for that will be coming up soon!)
Ok, this series of photos made me laugh SO HARD. haha! Most of you know, how me and Abi love Scofield rite? Well, I commented on how Danny's grey-blue cap made him look very Scofield Season 2 (Scofield is a fugitive on the run after escaping from jail, so the cap makes him look more inconspicuous). And Danny promised to wear his Scofield cap for me during my birthday party. But he got held up in church, and didn't have time to go home and grab his cap.
Anyway, I was teaching in class...when I saw this black figure lurking outside my room. Threw me off for a while, then Danny peered in my window with his CAP! haha! I tried not to laugh in front of the students, and carried on teaching. But after class, I made him pose properly with his cap. And these are the results...

The shot that failed. Too cheery and original Danny. haha!

Danny looking increasingly shady...
"If you see any suspicious characters please inform our staff or call 999."- Abi

Scofield Season 2....the man that Danny was trying to imitate...

And yes, we have the winning shot! He looked shady, intense and broody all at once. Abi's direction to "look down! You're a fugitive on the run!" helped. This is hilarious! I love love love this shot. hahaha! The boss actually walked by and went "ehhh?" as we took the photos. Brilliant!

My gals Abi and Berno were soooo sweet to fold me paper cranes! Abi did the big one, and Berno the 21 small ones. So cute rite?

My dear Berno even got the gals to dress in purple today, my colour! We look like the Lilac gals order of graduating shades too. Thanks so much gals!

Sweet Priscilla's gift to me....a cheery sunflower that came along with a long note that filled me with the warm n fuzzies. :)