Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Missing ya....

I was watching Rockstar INXS on cable just now (i love that show ok! better than American Idol. Go Mig Ayesa!!)...and I realized how much I miss my band, Disclosure. We used to meet almost every Sun for practices...but now everyone's so bz, it's hard to even meet up to just hang out.

I miss the music we made (or tried to make), Kelvin's dogs that we played with during practices, the drinking n eating sessions, the prayers we shared, the deep talks/ debates we had, the silly games we played, the jokes we cracked...even those awful crude ones that these boys made in front of ME, forgetting that there's a gal in the midst of them. haha!

Well, at least I am meeting Dehui this Sun...just to catch up. :)For that, I'm real glad. I hope to see Kelvin n George soon leh.

"Have you been filled with the Spirit lately?"

This is an excellent article by Ps Chris Chia from ARPC. I found it really liberating how he clarifies the notion of being spirit-filled. n after reading through it, I realize how much I have to learn in the area of submission to others.

p/s: btw, regarding the part of abt 'getting drunk with wine' in Ephesians...I never get drunk ok! in case some of u tease me abt me n my alcohol. :p

by Pastor Christopher Chia:

What does it mean to be spiritual?

For many in both Christian circles and other faiths, anything spiritual must have to do with supernatural events or inexplicable phenomena. This is what Paul the Apostel wrote in Ephesians 5:18-21.

"And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ."

For Paul, being filled with the Spirit of God does not involve supernatural or inexplicable phenomena like speaking in tongues, seeing visions, being slain in the Spirit, making loud animal noises or finding peace.

Being filled with the Spirit involves four rather natural, almost mundane, activities! These are (a) speaking to one another in spiritual songs, (b) singing to the Lord in our hearts, (c) giving thanks for all things and (d) submitting to one another in our daily relationships. What a revelation for our liberation. Why?

We do not have to go on an endless quest or pilgrimage to discover spirituality. Christian spirituality is not a place to be found, a feeling to be felt or a state of mind to be attained. Christian spirituality is simply doing the things that matter to God. It is embarking on activities that show our thanks to God and our submission to others.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thank You Jesus!

I remember how Andrea wrote in her blog, abt how Darlene Zschech had this infectious spirit of gratitude towards Jesus. She was always saying "Thank You Jesus" for this and that. That is so refreshing and admirable! What a good habit to get into, to see His goodness in things great and small...and it really blesses the heart of God. :)
I think when we sit down and count our blessings, we start to realize that we r much happier than we think we r. So THANK YOU JESUS for...:

1) The job that I hv now! Even tho' the workload is kinda costing me my social life (for this's necc. tho'), I'm learning and growing. It's a privilege to be able to impact the lives of the students we hv.

p/s: Sorry May n Rie for not being able to join u for drinks that day cos of work. We shall do it again I promise!!!

2)My colleagues!
Funky Aaron, for:
- his sweet treats (thanks for your choc cake n sudoku book! You da bomb!)I was telling Desmond it must be gd 'karma'. cos i was giving out cupcakes the week before. haha! of course we don't believe in karma per se.
- his hilarious "you can do it!!!" shout-outs before I go into class. (I told him tt i give myself 'pep talks' before going into classes on some days u see)
- and enlightenng me that there REALLY is a bk entitled "The asshole's guide to handling chicks". *chuckles* Ok guys...own up! Who actually has been hiding this at home??

-for being my stone-out buddy after Thurs nite classes.
We just let out the dumbest, most bimbotic exclamations like "yay, horiday!" or the classic "COOL!!!!" at pretty much anything. Yeah, things do get kinda weird behind the closed doors of the office.

Bernice and Andrea:
-for being sweet, sweet frens and confidantes! 'nuff said. :)

3) My students who have been giving positive feedback so far. Phew!
Also, thank you Jesus for students who encourage me, and seriously go all out to MAKE ME LAUGH! (most of the time it's the other way round u see) What a blessing. :) Their antics make me laugh so hard I can't sing sometimes.

4)My sweet grandma who lovingly makes fresh otah for me (with gigantic chunks of crab-meat n fish ah!) Also, my aunt in Sabah who is ever so encouraging and caring.

5) DW for introducing the 'Lakewood live' CD to me. I found this song inside that was super infectious, "Sweeter" by Israel Houghton.
"Every day with You Lord
Sweeter than the day before"

6)My friends who stand by me through it all. :) Your phone calls, smses, cranberry scones, cheesecakes, beer,prayers, hugs, encouragement, and companionship are all deeply appreciated! (Winnie: I wait in eager anticipation for the tiramisu tt is to come. haha! rem...with bucketloads of alcohol pls.)
(thanks Edvok8 for putting up with my incessant quote-sharing.hee!)

7) For good health, even while having to face many sick students daily. It's quite a miracle! (Audrey: remember to take your Vitamin pills really helps!)

8) For brilliant writers like C.S Lewis, Tolkien, Philip Yancey, whose writings inspire, comfort, challenge, and touch me profoundly. Their writings cast a reflection on the greatest poet and artist of all, my God Almighty.

C.S Lewis "Mere Christianity":

"God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."

"To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?"

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

All for love

I love quotes..soundbites...well-crafted/articulated nuggets of truth. That is why I truly enjoy reading Philip Yancey who quotes regularly from literary greats. I'm using his bk as part of my devotion....and these are some powerful quotes that impacted me. I'm collecting them here more for myself to reflect on...and so i don't hv to keep searching for them.

"All for love, a Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love, the heavens cried for love was crucified"
-Mia Fieldes 'All for love'-

That's from the new hillsong album. I'm planning to use that song in one of my vocal modules. Really find it very ministering. Reminds me how incredible and awesome, and loving and beautiful our God is.
Ps Chris Chia from ARPC said this in his last sermon abt materialism.
"Which is more difficult?
For God to grant you your salvation,
or your daily bread?"
Wow! Simple but such a powerful truth. I love how he articulates things and puts them into perspective for you. Btw, his fav writer is Philip Yancey.


"The only ultimate way to conquer evil to let it be smothered within a willing, living, human being. When it is absorbed there, like blood in a sponge or a spear thrown into one's heart, it loses its power and goes no further." - Gale D. Webbe, "The Night and Nothing"-

" To believe in the supernatural is not simply to believe that after living a successful, material, and fairly virtuous life here one will continue to exist in the best-possible substitute for this world, or that after living a starved and stunted life here one will be compensated with all the good things one has gone without: it is to believe that the supernatural is the greatest reality here and now." -T.S Eliot-

"Everything difficult indicates something mroe than our theory of life yet embraces."- George MacDonald-

"Faith like Job's cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken."- Rabbi Abraham Heschel-

"To be commanded to love God at all, let alone in the wilderness, is like being commanded to be well when we are sick, to sing for joy when we are dying of thirst, to run when our legs are broken. But this is the first and great commandment nonetheless. Even in the wilderness--especially in the wilderness--you shall love him."
- Frederick Buechner-

"God is like a person who clears his throat while hiding and so gives himself away."- Meister Eckhardt-

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Surviving the week....

I don't know why I'm here....I know I shld be getting down to work. This is my current "must do list":
1) AWD1 schedule and overview
2) prepare list of songs for boss
3) Prepare students' presentation songs
4) run through the new wk's lesson plans
5) re-vamp songs for Primer n WD1
6) Get started on AWD1 lessons plans

So tired from the week that has just passed..and the thought of a new one seriously scares me. In contrast to the above list, which reflects the mundane reality of working life....this is my "WANT to do list" for today. (Feel free to drop a comment with your own "must do" and "want to do" lists. haha! Go on, amuse me.) :

*1) run off to botanic gardens, sit down at the Al Fresco Cafe with a great bk, and a glass of white wine with fresh raspberries.
**2) go Borders and buy tonnes of Roald Dahl bks (30% off tdy only)
# 3) buy a cute pink cardigan from U2 that has a quaint embroidered butterfly.
^4) declare Mon an official term holiday so that I can avoid teaching the overwhelming bulk of 5 classes.

*: no time and appropriate tpst
** and #: yes, sweet retail therapy. Unfortunately,no money
^: my bosses wld kill me and i wld lose my job

Well, at least one perk of my week was seeing more students touched during class. Somehow, a lot of students were incredibly moved by "Open the eyes of my heart Lord" and "Think abt His love". Hasn't really happened in this magnitude before. So was pleasantly surprised to see students tearing and even sobbing during those old, familiar songs.

Oh yes, and I saw Corrinne May at a talk at Esplanade library on Fri nite! She sounded beautiful in that small, intimate space. The generous gal was obliging enough to extend her talk by nearly half an hour. When she finally had to wrap it up, she joked by saying tt she was 'hungry lah'. Poor gal was swarmed by adoring fans after the talk tho' gdness knows when she finally got to eat.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Chocolate Cows

I've just completed reading "Charlie and the Choc Factory" by Roald Dahl....just in time before i catch the movie on N'day. :) It's such a delicious read...n the illustrations are an absolute delight. It's fun being a kid again...n remembering that our imagination shld never be dulled or limited by the stresses or even monotony of adulthood.

I was so excited to find proof of my theory that choc milk comes from choc cows, in this bk!(it's true u know) Ah...Mr Dahl is a fine man indeed!

Do give this charming bk a read if u can. It is quite a short bk...only took me 1 hr 30mins to read.

Here are some extracts from the bk tt gave me quite a few chuckles:


"They streaked past a black door. STORE-ROOM NUMBER 71, it said on it. WHIPS-ALL SHAPES AND SIZES.

'Whips!' cried Veruca Salt. 'What on earth do you use whips for?'

'For whipping cream, of course,' said Mr Wonka. 'How can you whip cream without whips? Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips. Just as a poached egg isn't a poached egg unless it's been stolen from the woods in the dead of night! Row on, please!'


'Has beans?' cried Violet Beauregarde.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mid-week musings

I'm probably going for FOP this Sun. Still waiting for my VIP passes from no need to line up.Andrea n Reggie are getting the privilege of driving Darlene Zschech n family ard during their stay here. (cos their church is one of the main organizers of FOP) WOW rite? haha! Pity tt dear old Marty Sampson is not gonna be ard. He's gonna be on tour with Hillsong United in Scotland. So tt pretty much means none of the cute young ones will be ard for tt bassist Matt Tennikoff.

I do highly recommend United Live's latest album- Look to You. I'm amazed at the sensitivity and wisdom that is reflected in the lyrics written by these passionate youths. Coupled with beautiful melodies too.:)

Here are some of the lyrics that really touched me. I know they're pretty simple....but the TRUTH of these words really hit me. Yes indeed, Lord I live to LOVE YOU! :)'s my mission in life summarised in a nutshell.

"Deeper" (by Marty Sampson)
By Your love Lord, You've opened my heart
Now Your light will shine always
By Your Word Lord, Your promise secure
And my soul wil live always
Take me deeper Lord

Jesus, hold me into Your heart
Lord my soul delights
And I know you hear my prayer
Take me deeper Lord

Till I see You (by Joel Houston and Jad Gillies)
You are the voice that called the universe to be
You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me
and till i see You face to face,
and grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in You

I will live to love You
I will live to bring You praise
I will live a child in awe of You