Sunday, January 16, 2005

Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light)

This is a corporate confession that originates from the 4th century. The author is unknown. Translated by John Kebel 1834. Here's a description abt it:

"As early as the 4th century, the Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light) was already considered ancient, being a mainstay of evening prayers in a tradition known as the lighting of the lamps. At that time in Jerusalem, a candle was kept perpetually burning in the empty tomb of Christ, its glow a symbol of the living light of Jesus. As Christians gathered to worship, the candle was brought forth fro the tomb, it's bright, solitary flame calling the church to celebrate the Risen Lord. Phos Hilaron literally means "hilarious light," especially meaningful given that this hymn was probably sung in the catacombs by the earliest Church

Since then, this beautiful confession has continued to touch a new generation of believers. Louie Giglo (one of the organizers of PASSION conferences in the U.S) shares how this ancient confession was declared corporately during a worship conference for U.S university students, and how it inspired a brand new hymn that was based on the content of Phos Hilaron-
"We incorporated the 'lighting of the lamps' in our gathering with college students that summer, using Kebel's translation of the Phos Hilaron as a spoken song, wedding ancient and future in a seamless expression of worship."

I love ancient hymns for their poetic, archaic and powerful use of language...but this has truly touched me deeper than all of that, because it reminds me....that we come from a long line of Christians. And that heritage has come with a costly price on the part of generations of believers, and it was driven by great love.....from the One who loved us perfectly.

Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light)
1. Hail Gladdening Light
Of His pure glory outpoured
Who is the Immortal Father, Heavenly Blest
Holiest of Holies, Jesus Christ our Lord

2. Now we are come to the sun's hour of rest
The lights of evening 'round us shine
We hymn the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Divine

3. Worthiest art Thou, at all times to be sung
With undefiled tongue
Son of our God, Giver of life alone
Therefore, in all the world Thy glories Lord
Thine own.

Joyous Light (Hail Gladdening Light-Revised)
Words and music by David Crowder, Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglo

1. Hail Gladdening Light, sun so bright
Jesus Christ, end of night, alleluia
Hail Gladdening Light, Eternal Bright
At evening time, 'round us shine, alleluia, alleluia

2. Hail Gladdening Light, such joyous Light
O Brilliant Star, forever shine, alleluia, alleluia

We hymn the Father, we hymn the Son
We hymn the Spirit, wholly Divine
No one more worthy of songs to be sung
To the Giver of Life, all glory is Thine

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