Saturday, May 07, 2005

Thank you! :)

I just ended my series of gigs at Esplanade, and I really wanna say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who came down to support me.... and for sitting through the delay and the rain.:) I'm truly touched and encouraged.

I was very much surprised to realize that the biggest lesson at the end of this experience, was not abt the music, or my increased confidence etc....but really abt the bonds of friendship. At the end of the day, that was what it all boiled down to.

After going through weeks and weeks of arduous, sometimes frustrating hrs of rehearsals, de-briefs, criticisms of each other skills, my band members emerged not with negative feelings against each other.....but with new, warm, fuzzy feelings of affection for each other. In fact, it seems hard to stay angry at each other even when we make major that new bonds of friendships have been forged. :) I think this gig was particularly enjoyable cos we knew all the other bands in the line-up....and we were all fans of each other's music.

I was quite amazed at the turn-out from my friends too for both nights of the gig. What an awesome, solid show of support you guys gave!! :)I think it really shows how you can count on your friends. haha! Friendships with old friends were re-kindled.....while friendships with new ones were made as well.

Finally, I think I've made a break-through with my family as well. After watching the performance last nite, they finally seem convinced that my job is worth doing, and they gave rare articulations of pride in seeing me up there. Believe me, i was quite stunned and emotional to hear them say that.

It's been a surreal experience performing at Esplanade....truly a dream come true. I remember telling God one day...not long after the Corrinne May performance there, how I wished i had the chance to perform there. A few days later, Andrea my colleague, offered us a few slots there. Providence or what???

Still, I guess along the way....i kinda forgot how God made a way for me....and I got too busy with preparations and rehearsals. During the wk before our performance....i got reminded once again of how HE was the one who opened the door for us.

These verses really helped me in realizing how He is my strength and tower at ALL times.
"My soul follows close behind You
Your right hand upholds me." -Psalm 63:3-

"In your arms, i finally find the strength to believe in me again"
- Corrinne May "Safe in a crazy world"-

All in all, it's been an awesome experience...and I'm glad all of you cld share it with me. :) I've grown and learnt so much from it! I know everyone in my band made mistakes during the gig (n i tend to be very harsh on myself when i do commit mistakes)...but I'm not gonna beat myself/ us up over it....not anymore. :) Cos we hv come away so much richer from that experience.

I'm looking fwd to more exciting things to come...that this is just the first step God has paved for us. :)

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