Friday, June 17, 2005

Black and Grey

It hasn't been a fun wk at all. Started off on a stressful and exasperating note. In the midst of it all, Mich Poh's funky, ironic song "Black and Grey" came to my mind...where some lines go:

"when is black black, and white the colour such? Perhaps grey remains the answer....
some things are not meant to be
in a world that is made so free"

To top it off....this week has seen a record high of two quarrels with 2 good friends. Like I need more drama rite? Ok yes, I admit I can be difficult and snappy when I'm stressed I'm sure my bad mood contributed to the quarrels in some way. Sorry to all those who have been unfortunate victims of my acid tongue btw.

Anyway, one quarrel has been resolved quite well. The other is still hanging....but I'm too tired to deal with it at the moment. But i think that quarrel was good, in that it revealed how we both had different perspectives, expectations of our friendship. Normally we just sweep things under the carpet...and we all know how that can amount to big grudges. I'm sure we'll settle our issues in time to come lah....we've been friends since Sec 1. Like it or not, we're stuck together for life.

I've taken to watching cartoons and The Muppets Show lately to de-stress. It does help...for a while at least. haha! I'm also counting down to Bangkok...ONE MORE WEEK!!! Woohoo!

Well, in the midst of all this emotional drama, I had quite a bizarre experience on a bus one day. I believe I bumped into my ex-bf (now gay). I wasn't sure at first cos of the sun-glasses...n the buffed up, tanned bod (oh gosh, so gay rite?? *cringe*). Later, I saw him alight at a bus stop just after Thomson Medical Centre....and disappear into some bushes (behind was a car park)!!! haha! Hmmm....highly dubious rite? That tickled me quite a bit. Way to go Leslie, what an unglam exit indeed! (he loved using tt word 'unglam' btw. what a diva!)

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