Thursday, July 07, 2005


I'm feeling kinda floored n blown away now. Had a short, but quite deep sharing with one of my Disclosure band members. I'm amazed by his candour (i don't think i know him that well u see)....sharing something so personal with me. n we encouraged each other to keep seeking God, to keep praying abt this issue (don't worry, it's not something as major as sexual orientation. haha!)

He later mentioned how he was enjoying and really appreciating the camaraderie and friendships within our band. I couldn't agree more. It's still a surprise for me, how someone like him trusts us so much, to share so openly with us....n his views can be rather unconventional or 'warped' at times even...when it comes to Christianity. He's not even willing to share tt openly with his cell grp.

I believe all that friendly debating, sharing and encouraging within the band has helped him grow in his faith. In fact of late, the tables have been reversing...and he's the one offering me nuggets of spiritual wisdom and keep trusting God! Wow, I think that's so awesome. My bosses have stated very strongly that gigging can't be a ministry. But isn't this proof that it can be?? Has there been healing? Has there been transformation and growth? Yes! and Amen to that.

He ended our conversation with "From a brother to a sister...i love u". I certainly didn't see that coming. :) Thank u Lord for the music and the friendship.

1 comment:

Sngs Alumni said...

aww... scho schweet...