Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Lately, I've had to report to work at 2pm daily due to a new work policy. I must say my body is still getting used to the shock of being dragged to work at this 'unearthly hour'. Despite cups of coffee, showers, blasting of loud music....I still have a hard time waking up, and working productively in the afternoon.

Even up till today, I remain a groggy, grouchy creature until it hits around 7.30pm (when it starts getting dark). After that, it's all systems go....perky smiles and creative ideas galore. When I come home, I'm usually still on an adrenaline rush from my classes earlier, and I find it super difficult to turn in early. (it's 1.30am now, and I'm nowhere near sleepy)

Jaime and Jo (our admin staff) overheard me psyching myself up in the office this afternoon, "Wake up Michelle! WAKE UP!!"
I whined to them about my nocturnal habits, and then to my own shock and horror came to this discovery...."I'm a HAMSTER!!!" (that's right Gerbils are nocturnal. I know, cos I used to keep lotsa them)

Jaime laughed, and was kind enough to refine my statement, "No lah, you're an owl."

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