Thursday, January 18, 2007

Surrounded by a cloud of angels

Perhaps it's the alcohol getting to me....but I'm in a warm, fuzzy mood. :) I just feel SO SO SO VERY BLESSED to be in the company of wonderful, loving, steadfast friends. Money cannot buy this, and right now, I'm feeling extremely rich. Thank you God for my beloved girlfriends.....I may have to deal with a lot of idiots along the way, but you gals surely make my day!

Berno: She's my one and only God-sent angel! Nobody understands my silly noises, grunts, whines, random cries like she does. She keeps me sane in the office. :) This girl can accurately interpret my weird 'Ehhhhh!!' as "she needs a refill of staples". My brilliant, generous, patient, telepathic friend.

Pam: Who else in the world has a cuddly, tap-dancing pet penguino?? MEEEEEE!!!! hehe! And her name is Pammy! She's my 'fuzzy fuzzy love' (I love how Danny sings that line in the Southpark voice) Sometimes she blows hot and cold, but that's ok by me, cos at the end of the love is my love. haha! If that makes sense.

Andrea: My dear, cherished friend, and joint partner in crime for seasonal obssessions, eg. Macs, Jane Austen, Chris Botti, John Mayer and more. I think we fuel each other's obsessions and swooning spells. haha! The day never seems complete if I don't talk to her. :) Life is just brighter because I know she's there. Yay!

Audrey: My silly little Audweeee....who randomly calls me to say "Mituieeeee!! I want Darcy with ribbon!!" hahaha! She drives me insane sometimes with her habit of being late/ not picking up calls/replying msges.....but I'm always melted by her genuinely warm spirit, big heart and loyalty.

May-ann and Rie: The last year has brought us closer than ever, and I'm ever so glad for that. We've seen each other through many milestones/ trials in life, and I'm so glad you guys are always there. I also love how we can meet up to stone or just blah about anything under the sun, even if it's something as inane as dressing up Rie's toy doggie with bling, and making it dance while we video it. Oh yes, have I mentioned how proud I am of both of you in your individual attempts to 'save the world'?? Dudessssss, YOU DA BOMB!!! :) (shrapnel kind...more happening)

Yvonne and Lynn: Things haven't always been smooth-sailing, but our friendship that goes way back is definitely one that I see worth preserving and cherishing. I love ya with all my heart! Enuff' said. :)

Eunice: Yes, Miss make the worst coffee in the world, but it's ok because we are friends of old, and shall always walk laughter, in silence, in joy, in tears. Wah, sounds like we getting married. HAHA!


Andrea Khoo said... sweet :) I feel the same, thought we may not be in the same office, but we have a virtual one over MSN, haha! We vent, we gush, we swoon...

And Berno, if you're reading this... Really meh? Ehh...= "need staples"??? Didn't know you had super amazing powers of comprehension!

Michelle-Lea said...

Berno is highly talented in such matters!! heee!