Saturday, September 22, 2007


Well, there comes a time when a girl is finally done with Felicity, Alias and Lost 2. And well, she has to find something else to move on to right? J.J Abrams has pretty much entertained me with all that he can serve up.

So now I blame Abi for my latest obsession. She introduced me to Prison Break....and trust me, I started out as a cynic, skeptical over all the hype that surrounded this TV series. In fact, I had a book by my side that I was intending to read as I sat down to watch the 1st episode. But the writing is really genius ...and it gripped me from the first second (the book stood no chance). The suspense drives me nuts, and of course....what's there not to love about Michael Scofield (played by Wentworth Miller)?? *sigh* (yes, Abi...I know you're nodding furiously in agreement)

Michelle went berserk when Scofield broke down in an episode in Season 2. Scofield is a fugitive on the run at this point....and he risks making a call to Sara Tancredi (the prison doctor/his love interest). In a rare moment of vulnerability, he cries and desperately tries to convince her that "what we had was real"....but Sara doesn't believe him, and thinks that she was just a pawn in his plot to escape from prison. Oh man!!!! Poor heartbroken Michael!! He really loves her!!!

Ok yes...I'm done with my insane, emo outburst. hehe! This is what May has to put up with at night over msn. Random Prison break comments. teehee! But well....I listen to Jet talk about his knives, and May talk about her camera lenses although I have no idea what they're talking about. It's our circle of obsessions. Teehee!

So if I don't reply your msn msges late at night, you know why....

1 comment:

extravaganza said...

i;m so proud of you mich! hahah!