Wednesday, April 18, 2007


It's my 2nd day of M.C (well....half day to be precise, cos I still go in to teach my classes at night). Doc Aw says that I'm down with upper respiratory tract infection. The meds are really knocking me out....making me drowsy. I hardly know what I'm typing now, but I'm listening to the comforting sounds of Corrinne May, which wrap around the soul like a warm blankie. And yeah...who cares if they're Christmas songs. Hmmm...nice.

It's also comforting to be surrounded by friends who check on me every now and then, and offer up their prayers to Daddy for me. Thank really makes a difference to have you angels in my fwens. :)

May, Audrey use that word so often- "fwen". And Berno just typed this sms to me yesterday when i was down in the dumps:

"Take care my fwen. :)"

I love that word. How can anyone remain in a foul mood when they hear that funny word- FWEN?? :)

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