Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It's tough growing up and assuming more responsibilities. We can't run away from them forever that's for sure......but at the same time, it's a tragedy to lose that inner child within us totally. I guess what I'm saying is...not to stay childish, but to retain a bit of child-likeness...that sense of playfulness, openness and wonder. That keeps us sane rite?

But somehow, the world seems intent on squashing that out of us......what with the heaps of work, deadlines, bills and not to mention rude heartaches that remind you not everyone is to be trusted. It hits you so day you wake up, and you's just not fun anymore.

How I long for that space to breathe freely....
How I long to awake from this jaded spell....
How I long to return to those magical days of star-gazing....
Yes, my child, you shall believe.
I must believe.

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