Thursday, November 16, 2006


You know how when you're so exhausted, that your body just screams for you to slow down, by giving you major signals? eg. you develop vomitting spells, and you don't know why cos you didn't drink. Well, i found out that it was due to fatigue.

But then you still don't slow down even though you want to, cos there's just too much work to do, too many people who want a piece of you. So it goes 'hmmm, bobian lah'....and basically goes into 'shut down' mode.

That's what I experienced the past few weeks. This week I suddenly developed this horrid, nasty flu and cough....and i mean NASTY. I can't remember the last time I was bedridden and so physically weak. Normally when I get a flu or cough or whatever, I'm still able to walk about and do my stuff. This time, it was a really huge battle with my body.

"C'mon....move your sorry ass out of the bed."
"No. We're not budging"
"You have to!! I've gotta teach my classes"
"WHAT?? No way! We've had enough you stupid girl."
"Too bad, get up!" etc.

And then...I drag that sorry body to work and back home again.
I'm still recovering, so I sound beautifully nasal now.
The nasty bug has since infected my cousin too (she's my room-mate).
So stay far far away from me. ahhaha!

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