Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fade Away

Just came back from a refreshing and empowering service at church. I really thank God for Riverlife church! (haha! I tell Andrea this all the time) :) And to think I almost didn't make it to church this morning, cos I felt like roadkill....was soooo tired. But I dragged my sorry body out of bed, cos I knew God was gonna speak to me during He does every week.

I thought today's worship was particularly good....and you know why? Because I came away remembering how real God was, how clearly He spoke and ministered to me. That was my most distinct memory....not so much how well the band played (although they were great!), or the songs that were selected (in fact, I was struggling to recall the songs that were sung after service...which is a very weird thing for me.) There were some points during the worship where I could barely sing....cos I was just so overwhelmed by His presence.

It's like that old song "And the things of earth, will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." Wow...that's awesome worship! And now I know why Jared Ming, the speaker at the Saturate Worship Conference said this: "the best worship leaders are like magicians- they know how to do disappear," meaning they know how to focus the people upon God, and not upon themselves or the music.

Yes Lord, let everything else fade You captivate us with Your beautiful heart!

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