I'm so so proud of our team right now for their diligence, commitment, spirit of excellence, and the unity and support they've shown for each other. :) I think we were all stretched artistically for this event, and we've all grown a lot. But I also know that we're nowhere near our peak performance, so I'm quite excited thinking about the road ahead. :)
It all feels a bit weird now that GLS is over. I miss the team and the crazy GLS experience. haha!
Here are a few more photos from the 2 week GLS boot camp. :)

I think we should have made a DVD on the whole GLS experience...then we could have captured some of these hilarious "Behind the scenes" moments:
1) Arun, after Andrea pronounced an additional rehearsal, he sang:
1) Arun, after Andrea pronounced an additional rehearsal, he sang:
[Yeah...we were all quite high and gone by then. ahha!]
2) While waiting to go onstage..this is what our seemingly professional worship team is really up to backstage- Making funny shapes with Ivan's glow in the dark guitar pick under a reading lamp. (if you cover up certain parts with ur finger, you get a dark patch on the pick.) We managed to create a cross on the pick..and it inspired Arun to say something like, "HOLY PICK!"
3) We ran out of time to run through one of our sets properly for a final time, so Andrea said we'll just run through it verbally backstage. Most of us thought this meant just talking through the song sequence (eg. verse x 1, chorus x 2, bridge etc.). But what happened was this.....each band member started singing out his/her instrumental part, to the surprise of the vocalists. So some were singing the introduction of "Adonai" to "deh neh neh neh", while in the background, Jeremy was singing out his drum parts (syncopation, drum crashes n all), Ivan singing his electric guitar riffs etc. It was quite hilarious. So "verbal run through" is like dat lor. haha! Try it out with your own band!