Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Relate To Me"

“We must stop setting our sights by the light of each passing ship; instead we must set our course by the stars.”-George Marshall

Some thoughts that transpired after a slightly disquieting exchange with a good friend, some insightful Jack Johnson songs, and an evening at the Rachael Yamagata concert. I was quite amazed at how much the young kids loved her songs…they knew all the words, they were cheering loudly for her all the way. But then I realized….they could really relate to her honest songs of broken, wrecked relationships. In her own words, her songs chronicle “the highs and lows of relationships and this delightful junk called love.”

We’re all reaching out for something to fill us….and sometimes, we don’t know when it’s safe to give of ourselves, and how much to give. Still, in spite of the the risks, we plunge into the deep….in the hopes of finding something which we lost a long time ago.
If only we learn to turn to the Author of love….


"Relate to me baby,
don't walk away just yet.
Let's hold on to each other,
I'll be your safety net if you'll be mine."

Me? I'd rather fall into the abyss.
It's gotta be love or nothing at all.
Convenient companionship isn't enough.
At the end of the day, it's just skin on skin.
What seems real, isn't gonna be there tomorrow.
“How's your soul?
Is it still cold?”

"But tell me, what's good enough?
How do you know?
C'mon, no one is perfect gal!"

Maybe I'm an idealist, a lost cause.
But I believe that deep inside you know...
if you're brave enough to listen to your heart
So I’ll keep on travellin’ on my own,
Cos I don’t want to be lonely next to you….

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