Thursday, March 15, 2007

Surviving on legalised drugs

1) Caffeine (morning + afternoon too if necc.)
2) Vit B complex (afternoon)
3) Brand's essence of chicken...for emergencies. (or as Berno calls it 'Chicken Drug')
4) Watching a dancing milk carton, named Jiggy M.C Montgomery in Blur's MTV. (well, this is not exactly a drug...but Jiggy is rather hypnotic in an amusing, calming way.)

That's Michelle's current list of legalised drugs....they keep her up and running, operational lah basically. But sometimes their effect run out....and she ends up falling asleep while WALKING. Very bad. Potentially dangerous. Hmm...need to expand the current list of drugs. Michelle definitely can't live May's life....which is basically Michelle's life on super fast forward mode. Ecstasy has not been legalised yet.

But at least she hasn't been so sleepy that she falls down on her bum twice, like some other fren. *chuckles*

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