Friday, June 29, 2007

How do you know that you're a true blue member/affiliate of the BMI family??

Some members of the BMI's grown so much bigger now! We need to take a more recent photo.

A few tell-tale signs:
1) You refer to yourself in 3rd person. eg. "Michelle go home!" or "Jaymee is hungry" etc.
2) You start using the word 'FWEN' a whole lot...and it gives you the *WAFFs* (warm n fuzzy feelings) [footnote on FWENs below]
3) When you have conversations with fwens, you have the tendency to make many random statements.
4) You're addicted to Tom Yum Ramen/Ban Mian
5) You're familiar with New Harbour Cafe (one of the eateries that we patronise)
6) You're fond of playing games like Taboo
7) You're even more fond of playing pranks!
8) You're a fwen of MUMBLE, and you've probably wished him Happy Birthday and signed on his card.

On 'Fwens':
There's a hierachy going on for sure.

1) Fwen (EXTREMELY dear friend...who gives u the *Waffs*. :))
2) Fren (a pretty gd friend)
3) Friend ('nuff said)
4) Acquaintance
5) "Excuse-me-do-I-know-you?"


Anonymous said...

FWENS!!! Yesh and the brown cow with the saddle ish my fwen too!!!

Michelle-Lea said...

Er...ok sure my dear. Whatever floats your boat. the 'cow'rite....