It's been quite a wkend I must say. Started off pretty rough (it still is sometimes)...I was going into my 'Ee-yore' phase: "nobody loves me, everybody hates me, i wanna eat some worms". But God wldn't let me mope for too long....He heard and answered my prayers, HE SANG OVER ME :)...and He unveiled Himself through many of you ard me.
Thank you Jesus! All in all, it turned out to be a pretty amazing wkend. :)Allow me to get all messy and mushy here as I appreciate my frens, and thank God for placing them ard me.
My sweet, wonderful friends in Australia....sigh....I dunno wot wld happen to me without you!!Seriously! You put up with so much from me.
Pammy: I love and miss you so much it hurts. Thank you for being such a sweet, endearing, supportive fren. Even though you're so far away, it seems like you're my most constant and concrete form of comfort and love. :) Yes, fuzzy fuzzy, spongy spongy. haha!
Audwee: I'm so glad and touched that you called on Sun!!! It was great to hear your voice, to be able to laugh together and have our 'random' conversations again. Thanks dear for EVERYTHINGGGGG!!!
My JC classmates- May and Rie: Dinner and coffee on Fri was mad, and really fabulous! It was a great stress-reliever meeting up with u gals. Thanks for always caring.
Lishan- my friend from PL...we've known each other since we were annoying kids in Primary 2. We were best friends for ages, but grew apart for a while. Recently though, we've been reconnecting again. I met her on Sat, and we had such fun. It felt very comforting to be able to whine to her things like "Lishannnn....when we grow older, I want to stay in the same apt blk as u, so I can pop by everyday and bug youuuuu!" (Lishan whinges and goes 'warrau, nightmare ah!' hehe!), or bug her to hold my hand (she humoured me reluctantly, for all of 7 secs). haha! I'm glad to hv her back in my life again. :)
Ironically though, I'm growing distant from another PL friend....oh well, you can't hv everything i guess.
Candy- my cousin from Sabah, who's in town looking for a job. I met her on Sun to bring her ard. We went to the Esplanade and the Singapore Art Musuem. I was never really close to her, but I suppose her being in Spore and all, gave me a gd chance to know her better. I truly enjoyed chatting with her on Sun (and for me, when its family, that bonding is even more special)...and we had a stimulating, sublime time at the Art Museum too! (the current exhibitions are really of which is Cubism in Asia. I felt so refreshed, and inspired! Made me miss studying Art History in NUS all over again).
Teck: Ah Bu, it was gd to have tt little sms conversation with you.It's been too long since we had a proper talk. Well, thanks for remembering Moomoo. But you still owe me beer at Timbre!!!
Yinshian: I'm sooooo happy that we're bk in the same church again!:)Congrats on ur proposal. Hee!
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