Last nite, May and I were ranting about Alias again (yes, freaks tt we are!)....specifically about how depressing it was that Sydney Bristow had NO FRIENDS in Season 3. This was May's response: "good, she deserves NONE. she's a curse. everyone she knows DIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. heh heh hehhhh."

She's just upset that her fav character, Will, was pulled out from the show. heh! After that we proceeded to consolidate a list of characters who died (well, seems like nearly all of them had a turn! go figure.).....and RETURNED from the grave. Nobody ever REALLY dies on TV. Chey!
So May designed this pic in 'celebration' of our fav TV show. She came up with such a winner of a tag-line too.....i was in fits of laughter for the longest time.
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