Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Computer says no"

I can't believe it.....but the day has come.
This. is. the. end.
When I tried to add new music into my iTunes library, the Mac said "no".
I've maxed out both my Macbook Hdd and my 30gb iPod. And I've only had them for slightly over a year. I'm so upset.
When I whined to Rie that my life is over, she laughed her ass off at my apparent 'crisis'.
So I guess I deserve it for stuffing new albums into the Mac every week.

I'm in agony. This is the season where everyone is releasing new albums!!! I have a whole list of CDs to buy. Bleahhh! :(
I need to get that 400gb external Hdd, which Rie says can "stuff the whole of S'pore".


Unknown said...

400gb is freaking huge ok! REALLY!

Michelle-Lea said...

Its not really that huge if u do recording! that takes up a lot of space! haha!