Monday, May 04, 2009


Mich: *in mid-conversation* Fat like panda! :(
Amelia: HUH?? What??
Mich: Oh sorry....just a random outburst. I'm feeling fat. Like a panda.
Amelia: Huh? You?? Where got fat? (says the skinny one who keeps tempting me with cookies!)
[minutes later...]
Darren: *walks in innocently* No more Hello Panda ah? (Darren is always strolling in with food/looking for food)
Mich: :( Its a sign!!!

Mich: I'm thinking of going to Sydney in Oct for the Hillsong Encounter Conference.
Rox: *eyes wide open* OMG!! *jaw drops* HAVE YOU PRAYED ABOUT IT???? *seriously looks worried*
Mich: hahaha! Why are you being so dramatic? Its not like I'm going there to get married.
[Rox thinks I'm a Joel-stalker. Warrau! I'm not that siao can? But anyway, I must thank her
for the fabulous stash of free perfume samples she generously gave me. haha!]

Mich: I'm going blind...
Jet: What are you doing??
Mich: Editing some documents. I don't understand why people have to be so CHEONG HEY!! And then I get all depressed at the horrible state of English in S'pore, and how I'm going blind editing it. Why do people have to say the same thing 3x in a paragraph??
Jet: Ahhh....that's just the ego speaking....or some mysterious character flaw.
Mich: haha! Wow! That's the best excuse I've heard for bad English ever.


Crystal said...

Mich! I feel like I just read 3 comic scenes.. lol

Michelle-Lea said...

haha! I'm glad you had a good laugh.