Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Insane Fwens (Pt 2)

I went down to the Esplanade to watch Alarice & Nigel again.....thank God for holding the rain clouds! It really looked like a storm was brewing, but it didn't rain in the end. Was just really cool. Phew!

Anyway, I was happily watching Alarice sing....Jason got to be their official photographer, so he was up and about snapping away....and then Muffin was next to me when this unreal conversation unfolded. *shakes head in disbelief*

Mich: Eh, I think Alarice is really a better vocalist than Corrinne May leh.
[but I think Corrinne is better at songwriting.]
Muffin: *pause* I don't think I want to be your fwen anymore!
Mich: !?!??! siao!! Just cos I said that? You're super biased lah.
Muffin: But Corrinne rocks my world! Ok I mean God rules 1st. Corrinne rules 2nd.
I mean Corrinne rules 2nd part (a), Brooke Fraser rules 2nd part (b)....and Jason Mraz
rules 2nd part (c).
Mich: Siao lah u...spend too much time in NUS taking exam ppers liao.
Muffin: But then still got John Mayer ...and Damien Rice...Switchfoot, Marie Digby. Cannot
lah. A-Z also not enough.
Mich: ......


lyn said...

always keep up the good work!!1

lyn said...

woi!!! sige na!!!!