Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Comfort in the Crossfire

I had a pretty rough night.....my mum has been getting very stressed up over my sister's wedding this Sat, and is giving me hell cos I'm the only one at home she can yell at. It's really difficult to control my temper and love her when she's being this cranky, unreasonable and downright rude. I'm trying my best...but it just sucks to be caught in the crossfire of family politics, trying to be the mediator between my mum, sis, aunts, grandma etc.

I was feeling pretty lousy and shaken when I went to work today. In fact, I totally skipped lunch at home cos I didn't want to listen to my mum rant. Read a bit of C.S Lewis on the mrt...which was much needed, to help me get my heart right. Then I met Berno for our weekly keyboard lessons (we take turns to teach each other keys/vocals)...and well, the music is always healing.

Later in the evening, I caught Erica in the pantry. And this was the short but amusing exchange that took place:

Mich: ERICA! *affectionately* My Olive Green Fwen! :)
Erica: *proud, wide smile* I KNOW!!
Abi and Mich: *stunned silence....before erupting in laughter*
[what a response right? so funny.]

After that little 'commercial break', I returned to my classes. It's presentation week, so it gets quite intense for the coach in terms of work and concentration level. Thank God for wonderful students. In my first class, I had this super encouraging boy, G, who would say, "shouldn't we clap first?" before his classmate presented. Bless his heart! And after that, he would always be the first to initiate a round of encouraging applause for his other classmates. :)

When my classes finally ended at 9.50pm....my student, S, came up to me and gave me a long, warm hug. It caught me totally by surprise and I asked her 'why?' She said, "you seemed a bit different today, not like your usual self." She's a pastor by the way...spiritual antenna really powerful man! I was really touched by that...and had to hold back the tears. Seriously, I had no idea I looked any different to them...I was so busy trying to learn and play their presentation songs, while listening to them sing in order to give them feedback later.

God is truly amazing in the way He sends people our way to show us His love.
I'm reminded of that day when I was singing on stage a couple of weeks back, and I heard Him say to me so clearly, "I am with you. And I know your heart."

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