Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Life as Advent

(Written by Charlie Lowell, taken from "Peace is Here: Christmas Reflections by Jars of Clay")

"For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now."-Romans 8:22

Every Christmas I'm reminded of the longing I felt growing up as I would anticipate this special day. And while I recognise that I was more excited about opening gifts than anything else, the longing is still appropriate. The days leading up to Christmas- Advent, or "waiting- are about anticipation, reflection, feeling the weight of the coming of the Christ-child. And though we immerse ourselves in the spiritual practice of waiting, we know that Jesus has already come. It's this tension that we live in; the in-between, the already and the not yet.

This season of Advent is a reminder of the broader groaning and anticipation we experience all life-long, for the restoration of this broken world. The Christian journey is a long-term advent- a patient longing for renewal and destination, for Restoration, when there is finally no curse and our souls are at rest.

However, lest we feel like we are stuck in a waiting room, remember that Emmanuel means God With Us. Christ has come, and we have a present peace and assurance through Him. May the hope of God-becoming-man bring us strength and joy today as we wait amidst the brokennes of this "groaning world." May the peace of Jesus bring light to the darkness that threatens to overwhelm.

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