"Go then, my little Book, and show to all
That entertain and bid thee welcome shall,
What thou dost keep close shut up in thy breast;
And wish what thou dost show them may be blest
To them for good, may make them choose to be
Pilgrims better, by far, than thee or me.
Tell them of Mercy; she is one
Who early hath her pilgrimage begun.
Yea, let young damsels learn of her to prize
The world which is to come, and so be wise;
For little tripping maids may follow God
Along the ways which saintly feet have trod."
That entertain and bid thee welcome shall,
What thou dost keep close shut up in thy breast;
And wish what thou dost show them may be blest
To them for good, may make them choose to be
Pilgrims better, by far, than thee or me.
Tell them of Mercy; she is one
Who early hath her pilgrimage begun.
Yea, let young damsels learn of her to prize
The world which is to come, and so be wise;
For little tripping maids may follow God
Along the ways which saintly feet have trod."
- Adapted from John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress"
Year 2006, it is with bitter-sweet sentiments that I bid thee farewell.
A good part of me feels relieved that I survived you at all with the help of my gracious Father,
another part of me is thankful for the lessons that you've taught me.
I now realize in its full reality that it is braver to hope than to give in to despair,
that wealth does not always equate to contentment,
that it pays to wait for God's perfect timing,
that the shadow proves the sunshine,
that to lead really means to serve,
that the words of my mouth are really an outflow of the heart,
that love covers a multitude of sins indeed,
that a beautiful heart is more precious than a polished facade,
that the comfort of strangers can truly make a difference,
that home is in the warm company of steadfast friends,
that a kind and giving spirit can dispel the darkness,
that following God's dream for me is infinitely scary,
but much more rewarding than following my own selfish ambitions.
2006, you've made me see how unmitigatedly and comprehensively flawed I am,
and that makes God's unfailing and extravagant love for me,
all the more amazing and wondrous.
Just two nights ago, God reminded me of a pure, innocent promise I made unto Him
as a child experiencing the first sweet rushes of His love in primary school-
that I would sing my song unto Him everyday without fail,
regardless of my mood and circumstances.
I was just stunned during that moment of revelation,
that He remembered this promise which I had long forgotten,
but yet unconsciously has grown to become my personal credo.
So moved that He has kept me close by ever since.....
And I pray that I shall never depart from His side.